# Die voormalige Amerikaanse visepresident en lewenslange Republikein, Dick Cheney, gaan in die presidentsverkiesing in November vir Kamala Harris van die Demokratiese Party stem. Cheney was invloedryk tydens die presidentskap van George W Bush. Hy sê daar was nog nooit ʼn individu wat ʼn groter bedreiging vir Amerika inhou as die huidige Republikeinse kandidaat, Donald […]
# Former US vice-president and lifelong Republican, Dick Cheney, has confirmed he will vote for the Democrats’ Kamala Harris in November’s presidential election. Cheney was an influential figure during the presidency of George W Bush. He said in a statement there had never been an individual who is a greater threat to America than the […]
# Die Verenigde Nasies het ‘n volledige ondersoek aangevra nadat ‘n Amerikaans-Turkse vrou Vrydag in die besette Wesoewer doodgeskiet is. Die 26-jarige Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, het naby die dorp Beita naby Nablus deelgeneem aan ‘n betoging teen die uitbreiding van Joodse nedersettings. Sy is na bewering deur Israelse troepe geskiet. Volgens die AFP-nuusagentskap is sy […]
# The United Nations has called for a “full investigation” into the killing of a US-Turkish woman in the occupied West Bank during a protest on Friday. The 26-year-old Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, was taking part in a protest against Jewish settlement expansion in the town of Beita near Nablus. She was allegedly shot by Israeli […]
# The UK will send an additional 650 short-range missiles to Ukraine to help in its fight against invading Russian forces. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky made another plea for further support from allies yesterday, at a defence summit at the Ramstein air base in Germany. Zelensky said he was grateful but urged allies to authorise […]
# Brittanje stuur nog 650 bykomende kortafstandmissiele na Oekraïne in sy stryd teen Russiese magte wat die land binne val. Die president van Oekraïne, Volodomyr Zelensky, het by ʼn verdedigingsberaad by die Ramstein-lugmagbasis in Duitsland weereens ʼn beroep om hulp aan sy bondgenote gerig. Volgens Zelensky is hy dankbaar maar het gepleit vir goedkeuring om […]
# Israeli forces have withdrawn from Jenin city and its refugee camp in the occupied West Bank after a major nine-day operation. The area is a stronghold of militants and was targeted in one of Israel’s biggest actions in the West Bank for years. According to the Palestinian health ministry at least 36 Palestinians were […]
# Police minister Senzo Mchunu is set to attend the public safety and security technology expo in China as part of the global public security cooperation forum. Running from Sunday to Wednesday, the expo will showcase cutting-edge advancements in public safety technology. The minister will also meet with China’s Public Safety minister Wang Xiaohong to […]
# Colin Gray, the father of 14-year-old Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray, appeared in a US court yesterday and learned he could spend the rest of his life behind bars if convicted. The 54-year-old Gray is charged with two counts of second-degree murder, four counts of involuntary manslaughter and eight counts of cruelty to […]